1. About Sylvia Shaw Judson, the creator of Prairie bird girl statue

Sylvia Shaw Judson is a professional sculptor. She has created a wide range of sculpture artworks, especially garden works depicting children and animals. Her “Prairie bird girl statue” is very popular. The work was originally a garden sculpture commissioned by a family in Massachusetts. An eight year old model named Lorraine Greenman posed for the artwork. Many years after the death of Sylvia Shaw Judson, her quiet and simple bird girl began to be known and respected. In 1994, it became famous as the cover of “midnight garden of good and evil”.

bird girl creator

2. Introduction of Prairie bird girl statue

The Sylvia bird girl sculpture is a garden artwork. The sculptor want to design a potential fountain original, a small hole in the bottom of the bowl and a slot in the front to let water overflow. The bronze bird girl statue is 50 inches high (130cm). She is a young girl in a simple dress. With a sad or meditative expression, she stands firmly and quietly. She straightens up, her head tilts to the left shoulder, her elbows support her waist, and her hands carry two bowls.

Savannah bird girl sculpture
Savannah bird girl sculpture

Her posture with two bowls in her hand is considered to be symmetrical posture, which like holding the balance of justice. Some people also believe that the posture of the bird girl does not actually symbolize the balance between good and evil. On the contrary, the bowl in her hand is to hold food or water for birds. The inscription on the bird girl’s pedestal reads: we have faith and would rather leave our bodies and be with the Lord.

Bonawangtil cemetery is the original home of the bird statue. Loved by many fans of the best-selling “midnight in the garden of good and evil”, some people cut pieces of the bird woman’s base from Bonawangtil cemetery as a souvenir.

Prairie bird girl statue

3. What can Arturban Do?

First, my artist will make 1:1 clay mold,when finished clay mold, we will take photos for your reference,the clay mold can modify any details till you’re satisfied with it, then we go ahead to make statue, when finished statue, also i will take photos for your reference, after you’re satisfied with all, I will arrange packing and shipment. Arturban sculpture can make Prairie bird girl statue in bronze, marble, fiberglass, stainless steel. Our team will make a production plan, according to your design, budget, delivery time, or any other service. Our final aim is to supply high quality and cost-saving sculpture efficiently.

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