Tag Archives: pegasus

Pegasus Ornament

Pegasus statues are not only a beautiful work of art, but also have important cultural and spiritual significance. Pegasus ornament symbolizes freedom and inspiration, and can inspire people’s creativity and imagination. In public places or private gardens, Pegasus sculptures can serve as a focal point to attract people’s attention and enhance the artistic atmosphere of […]

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Mercury Riding Pegasus Statue

1.Introduction of Mercury Riding Pegasus Statue The Mercury Riding Pegasus Statue is a work rich in mythology and artistic value. It is commonly found in sculpture gardens, public squares, museums and other places. It depicts the scene of the god Mercury in ancient Roman mythology riding the mythical creature Pegasus, showing the mystery and beauty […]

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Perseus and Pegasus Statue

1.Introduction of Perseus and Pegasus Statue The Perseus and Pegasus statue is a pair of legendary characters in ancient Greek mythology. Perseus was a heroic hero who defeated the Gorgon Medusa and, with the help of a mirror shield, handed her head to the goddess Athena. Pegasus is a magical horse with wings, which is […]

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The Difference Between Pegasus and Unicorn

Pegasus and unicorns, as mysterious and fascinating creatures, respectively carry different cultural symbols and legends. Although they all belong to mythological creatures, they have unique features in their image, origin, and symbolic significance. This article will delve into the difference between Pegasus and Unicorn, and answer some common questions about them. 1. What are Pegasus […]

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