Tag Archives: bronze bull statue

bronze bull statue for sale

1. Introduction of bronze bull statue Bronze bull statue is the bull fountain of Marshall Student center. The two bull sculptures are very vivid. The bull walks forward and looks to one side as if it is enjoying the scenery in the school. At its feet is a clear pool. It will splash water if […]

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1. Introduction of bull and bear fighting statue The bull and bear fighting statue represents the bull market and the bear market. The bull is regarded as a symbol of the market rise, and the bear is regarded as a symbol of the market decline. A consensus has been reached on the description of bull […]

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sculpture of sitting bull

1. Introduction of sculpture of sitting bull This is the sculpture of sitting bull and poet. There is a statue of Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade on the Copacabana beach promenade. He sits on the bench with his legs crossed. He looks calm and wise, and his eyes are full of wisdom. Later, he […]

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life size calf statue

1. Introduction of life size calf statue This is a very vivid life size calf statue. The calf lies on the ground and has a leisurely rest. It is strong, with sharp and hard horns bent inward, a wide mouth and clear eyes. It looks very wise. Cattle also have many beautiful meanings, which are […]

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sitting bull statue

1. Introduction of sitting bull statue Sitting bull statue is a bull sitting there with a Rodin’s thinker posture. Rodin’s sculpture of the thinker is very famous. This anthropomorphic bull seems to have its own thoughts. Sitting on a stool, it works very hard to lift its legs, cross its legs, and one leg supports […]

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bronze bull sculpture

1. Introduction of bronze bull sculpture This sculpture is an impressive bronze bull sculpture created by Michael Parekowhai, on first look into Chapman’s Homer. This sculpture will be a mythical bull standing on the piano, with its head down and horns rushing towards the enemy, ready to attack at any time, full of threat. The […]

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bear and bull sculpture

1. Introduction of bear and bull sculpture This is a bear and bull sculpture. In 1985, in order to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange invited German sculptor Reinhard Dachlauer to design the sculpture of bull and bear. In 1988, the sculpture was completed and put into […]

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large bull statue for sale

Large bull statue for sale, This is a bronze sculpture of a Wall Street bull. The bull’s head is slightly lowered, his nose is shiny, and the long and sharp horns seem to be pushing forward. The bull seemed angry and dangerous. Its muscular body tilts to one side and its tail bends like a […]

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wall street bull and girl statue

Wall street bull and girl statue is a sculpture of a fearless girl and a Wall Street Bull. The little girl stands tall in adversity. With her hands on her hips and feet on the ground, she stared provocatively into the eyes of the colliding bull. She also wears a skirt and ponytail: this seems […]

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charging bull sculpture

Charging bull sculpture is a wall street charging bullfight. The heads of the two cows are close together, and their noses spit crude gas, as if to show their anger. Their sharp horns are their sharp weapons, leaning towards each other and ready to fight at any time. Their tails are like a whip behind […]

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